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Mail To All Levels of : 3605 Active Members Everyday!
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Our Bounce Mailing System is the most powerful feature of Marketers Safelist. Every safelist owner know that
one of the biggest issue with all modern safelists is a bounced message problem.
That is why a lot of safelists have a little response, even a zero response!
while having hundreds to thousands of members? [ Click to preview ]

We have developed the innovative bounce mailing system that will help us to save our safelist live and
responsive in today's world of Spam and Filters.

Our Bounce Mailing System use three modes to handle bounced messages. When the system receives
a X [FACTORS] number of bounced messages from a member account, it put such account
as "Non Active Member" on the [PENDING MODE] in split of seconds!
And after two hours, the system will send the first test message to this account,
and if this test message bounce back - this account will be put on [PENDING-2 MODE], "Non Active Members" otherwise this account will be reactivated. Click to preview

The system will hold such account as "Non Active Member" on the [PENDING-2 MODE]
within ten hours, then a second test message will be sent, and if the bounce system receives
this second test message back, this account will be put as "Non Active Member"
on the [BOUNCE MODE] and deleted within the next hours.

Say goodbye to email bounce back forever!

No more wasting your mailing credit to this such "zombie's account".
Rest assured that your advertisement is delivered to real all active members! Click to preview

Ready to enroll?

Join Free & you can mail to all active members immediately!
Upgrade & reach more people...
Lots of credit & Higher commissions.


Please Read Our Compensation Plan Below!

Affiliate Program

Huge commission plan in the industry!
Earn up to 60% Commission per-referral!
If you are part of the Gang Bang boys just like the Big Hitter,
Mover and Shaker...
You will love this!
Click Here

to read the Compensation Plan.

Feature Ads form

List Solo Ad, Credit based Mailer, Banner Ad, Button Ad, Text Ad!

Buy More Credits

Save your valuable time,
your hard efforts and slash your marketing budget! Cheap and affordable credits to buy!
The more ad champaign setup,
the more likely you can expect!

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Everyone sees what the standards are, who is failing them, and what you should do about it. Not convincing enough? See for yourself! For Mail server reputation, you can check our Mail Server IP (Not our website IP)
from the header emails within your inbox of your email provider. click Here for instance,
then go to Sender Score from ReturnPath website and Senderbase from Cisco Network website.
They are 2 of the world's largest Email and Web traffic monitoring network -
then read what they have to say about us!
(** These web service are free of charge. However for availability reasons each user is only granted a certain amount of queries per 24 hours)
No Bait, No Bogus Claim, No Over hyped Testimony, No Drama, No Bias, No Sugar Coat, No Dirty Trick,
No Mislead, No Mumbo Jumbo... 100% Independent With No Interest Involved!

In This Industry, We have to working hard to achieve the granular reputation scores, We have to dealt and implementing many aspects, from high standards to complicate procedures to meet an excellent performances.
A lot of hard works, money, ingenuity and efforts have been done by us... SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO!
We know what it takes when it comes to the email marketing. Inside & Out! Review Email server reputation from ReturnPath Email server reputation from Cisco Network

Marketer-Safelist.Com Is a Credit Based Email Marketing Service
From Members to Members,
With Double Opt-In Mechanism and an Opt-Out Lock Mechanism
if members decide to remove their account permanently.
(Currently deleted account is set to be banned and locked for two weeks period)

Maximize Your Chances to Earn More Income! Review reputation from MxToolBox

Qualify SSL Report Overall Grade Rating: SSL reputation

What's Your Purpose To Working Online Exactly? Money?
Would You Like To Add More Current Income?
Real Huge Commissions For Each Paid Referral!
And YES!... It Doesn't Cost You One Single Penny
To Get Started Today For Free!
Maximize Your Online Income!
It's easy to advertise...with
No Autoresponder will be allowd!

Action Now!

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Our Marketing & Advertising are 100% opt-in and CAN-Spam Act 2003 Compliant. Any third party logos/trademarks used at this website are sole property of their respective owners.
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:: Copyright © Marketer-Safelist.Com™ All Rights Reserved :: a Division of J&S Marketing Int :: a Member of Jerry Salfian's Business Unit ::
